How Genius Can Help You
Build your brand
Grow your audience
Remove the skill gap to success
Make sales easy for everyone
Generate more leads
Build your brand
Grow your audience
Remove the skill gap to success
Make sales easy for everyone
Respond to DMs
Build your brand
Grow your audience
Remove the skill gap to success
Leverage Trends
Generate more leads
Build your brand
Grow your audience
Remove the skill gap to success
Make sales easy for everyone
Generate more leads
Unlimited marketing material
Reads conversations & helps you close
Handles your objections
Kindergarten simple to use
Sounds just like you
Unlimited marketing material
Reads conversations & helps you close
Handles your objections
Kindergarten simple to use
Sounds just like you
Unlimited marketing material
Reads conversations & helps you close
Handles your objections
Kindergarten simple to use
Sounds just like you
Unlimited marketing material
Reads conversations & helps you close
Handles your objections
Kindergarten simple to use
Sounds just like you

Level Up Your Content
& Sales with Genius.AI

Sales & Marketing Assistant

ChatGPT is great. But it doesn’t know who you are, what you’re selling, and it resets every time you talk to it, Genius.AI changes all of that. Now each one of your sales reps has a custom AI that can help them handle all of their sales & marketing needs.

  • Knows about you
  • Knows your product
  • Marketing Assistant

Do you struggle to get people excited to buy from you?

Wouldn’t it be great if the world’s greatest salesman was on your team?
What can I say to get more attention?
How do I talk about my product in a way that gets them interested?
This person is interested but how do I get them to buy right now?

Genius.AI is the first Sales & Marketing Assistant designed to sell your products and skyrocket your brand

Here’s How It Works

How it works

First, Train Genius.AI on You and Your Brand!

Take our in-depth personality / brand test so Genius.AI can understand everything about you and how you speak.
How it works

Then, Tell Genius.AI About Your Products & Services

Genius.AI extracts information from your reference materials so it can create content to help you craft posts and DM responses.

Now The Magic Begins

How it works

Let Genius.AI Generate your
Brand & Product Content in seconds!

World-Class AI Images. Posts, Articles (and more!) that sound just like you. All engineered from the ground up to build trust, draw attention, and catapult your business.
How it works

Effortlessly Engage with Prospects on Social Media

Genius.AI scans your Posts and DM Conversations, handing you the perfect response to your prospects in real-time.

No Time to engage everyone? Use our Auto-Reply and let the AI engage with your audience.

Easy To Use!

Simply provide reference materials about your products or services into Genius AI so we can understand everything you have to sell.

Beginner-Friendly Guides

Complete walkthroughs are made available from Day 1 for every area of the Genius.Al

Daily To Do Lists

Reps are shown daily activities to do. These actions can be personalized for each company & creates clarity and accountability for the reps.

Integrates with your Browser

Our Browser Extension integrates directly with your WhatsApp, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook DMs. Our AI tells you exactly what to say next to get you closer to the sale.

Mobile Friendly & Kindergarten Simple

We’ve designed Genius.AI to be kindergarten simple and mobile friendly so anyone can use it to save hours off their day

Daily To Do Lists

Reps are shown daily activities to do. These actions can be personalized for each company & creates clarity and accountability for the reps.

Customized Content Calendar designed around you and your audience

Our AI studies your content and your audience to provide you with tailored Content made to fit your personality and based on what has created the most engagement within your audience.

Built With Enterprise In Mind

How it works

World Wide Scale - Multi Language Support

Level up your team across the globe by leveraging Genius.AI in any language. As of March 2023, our team of Japanese translation experts has completed our latest version. German, Spanish, Italian, French, and Vietnamese about to launch!

How it works

Data  & Analytics

# of products
# of Groups
# of products creators
Products by Category
Products with Image
# of Products Creators
# of Products by Category
Products by Shared Audience
How it works

Best In Class

Analyzes your Social Media Profile & Audience Engagement to provide you with customized content calendars
Direct Social Media Integration (DM Copilot, Automated Posting, & Analytics)
Browser Extension Integrated with your WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn
Auto-Reply - Reply to Prospects engaging in with your posts automatically in DMs using AI
Trending Now - Leverage Proven Video and Content Strategies
Trained on your Products
Embedded Growth Formulas
Image Generation
Personalized image in painting
(using your photos)
Product Imagery
Integrated CRM
LLM Agnostic
Coaching & Support
Short video Generation

Thousands are already using Genius.AI to scale their success.

Robert Drazen
Robert Drazen
Until I started using Genius
Until I started using Genius.AI, I found it very hard to learn how to use online marketing platforms. The training videos were short, concise and packed with useful information. I find the Genius.AI platform easy to use.
Jessica Berry
Jessica Berry
Newbie here!
So far, I love how I am able to make AI actually write something I would write or say. I’ve only had this for a week and still lots to learn, but so far I’m very impressed and can’t wait to see how much growth I’ll have and save time with this new program.
Bethany Hargett
Bethany Hargett
The Dream App
I have found Genius.AI to be the dream app I have always looked for. I use it for my side buddy in all business matters, and for conversation guides, project planning, outline forming, creativity sparking, question answering, data analyzing. And business tutor. Further, with resell rights, I can offer this amazing side buddy to anyone here in America or elsewhere, giving them a leg up just as it has me. That fills my cup.
Erin Hilton
Erin Hilton
WOW this AI tech!
This is one of the coolest tech I have gotten to date! I am impressed with what it's already capable of and I know that there is more coming! Which is so exciting. The copilot is the true easy button on the daily tasks at hand as a business owner who works mostly online. The picture and video generator is a little wonky in creating the picture you tell it to, no matter how much detail you give it. A little fine-tuning is needed. Having the copilot also gives you the social aspect to schedule posts, reels, etc. and being able to voice message would be amazing!
Trina Lavoie
Trina Lavoie
Save Time & Create Income with Genius.AI
The team at Genius AI has outdone themselves. As someone who has been in online sales and network marketing for over 12 years, this new sidekick tool, is my personality blended in to create perfect content in minutes. In a half hour I was able to create over 30 pieces of content I can utilize for the month, add images and video as well, and looking forward to the additional features as well like, connecting to all media outlets, AI for my own images and the icing on the cake, is sharing it with my team and co-workers to help support each other. Here’s to saving me time and energy and bringing in more money with ease!
Nicolette Bory
Nicolette Bory
I love the AI Genius tool
I love the AI Genius tool, it makes everything so easy for me. I literally can create content posts and ideas within minutes. The co-pilot part is my favorite feature because I can type anything into that and it will generate and revise posts for me. It also helps me respond to people with better verbiage than what I would use. You can literally copy/paste their response into Co-Pilot and it gives you the best possible response.
Danielle Shabronsky
Danielle Shabronsky
I am in awe with what Genius.AI can do
I am in awe of what Genius.AI can do! As a busy mom who works full time, having this virtual assistant at my fingertips to run my side business has been a game changer!
Lee-Arna Bugge
Lee-Arna Bugge
This has been an absolute game changer for me
This has been an absolute game changer for me, within the short week of me using my business has already grown. I am now able to get all my content out there without wasting hours trying to figure it all out in my head. This is going to greatly improve the ability of so many to create the business of their dreams.
Mariama Daymond-Smith
Mariama Daymond-Smith
Genius AI My Gift My Friend 💜
I want to express my gratitude for the creators behind the Gift of Genius Al, this truly is a blessing as l begin my business journey with Q Revolution. I loved the personality quiz every single question was thought-provoking and encouraged me to reflect on the integrity of my responses. Sharing my personal goals, talents, and values which I hold dear to my heart. I love how Genius AI is my personality with my tone of voice, down to my frequently used emojis. 🥰 Thank you Genius AI team I am grateful for this little gem in my pocket.

Frequently asked questions

How do I purchase a Genius.AI subscription?
Why is it important for me to adopt AI as an entrepreneur?
What Large Language Model (LLM) is Genius.AI built on?
What’s the difference between Genius.AI and ChatGPT?
Is there a maximum of how many products you can put in?

Start Your Free Trial Now

It’s time to Build your Brand and Sell on Social Media
Start Free Trial
With Genius, you’ll
increase your sales